I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
Saturday, July 14, 2007
PhotoHunt: Shadow
One of the neat things about going outside in my harness is the cool shadows the sun makes. Here the sun is going through the plum tree in the back yard.
Here the sun is behind Mom and me as I try to say hi to a neighborhood feral kitty. I was a bit younger then. You can see Mom taking the picture.
Great shot on the shadows. Tara is always so beautiful. Love the fur. Have a nice weekend! http://crizlai.blogspot.com/2007/07/photo-hunters-shadow_14.html
Tara, you're very lucky to get to spend time outside in your stroller and in the harness. You must be well loved to be given opportunities to explore outside. I hope you enjoy your outside excursions.
Hi Tara, Scraps is opening near your mountain home? That's so cool. Does that mean the Scraps in Modesto will close? Mom was at Scraps several weeks ago with Grandma, and Grandma owns Hands-On across the way from Scraps ... anyway... the nice lady who owns Scraps asked Grandma for moving supplies... I bet that is why!
Did you like Scraps? Did you get to go to the shop in Turlock yet?
We used to use a harness for our kitty too..he hated it...but he went for the door, anytime someone entered or left. Sadly, my kitty, Dawg, has passed...we had him for 17 years. Great shadows in your photos! My photo is up, please come and visit
Hi, Tara - sorry we haven't visited in a while. We finally posted our Five Things Meme.
Is the weather cooler for you now? Your grass certainly looks cool and green. Ours is getting brown and scratchy, but it finally rained a little this evening. It's been very dry here in Northern Virginia.
Nice take on the shadows theme. Have a great week.
Furry nice Tara. Did dat kitty effur say hello back?
Great shot on the shadows. Tara is always so beautiful. Love the fur. Have a nice weekend! http://crizlai.blogspot.com/2007/07/photo-hunters-shadow_14.html
Very nice take on this weeks theme. Great photos and thanks for sharing.
Where is Kavan? Lurking in da shadows?
I like your Mom's shadow in that one picture! The shadows in your back yard look pretty and, well, shady.
Cute cats and shadow
Shadows do make very pretty shapes! Especially when you are the shape-maker.
Nice photos, Tara. :) The sun does make very cool shadows!
That little feral looked kida cute and friendly!
What a pretty outside photo!
That is a pretty little feral Kitty-Cat and we like your Moms' shadow :)
Happy Hunting!
~Sara and Napoleon
Tara, you're very lucky to get to spend time outside in your stroller and in the harness. You must be well loved to be given opportunities to explore outside.
I hope you enjoy your outside excursions.
It must be quite an excitement to play outside!
Mine's up too :)
Nice shadows! That feral looks a little like me!
Aw, how sweet!
Very cool pics, always nice to see royalty chatting with the common folk, too.
Hi Tara,
Scraps is opening near your mountain home? That's so cool. Does that mean the Scraps in Modesto will close? Mom was at Scraps several weeks ago with Grandma, and Grandma owns Hands-On across the way from Scraps ... anyway... the nice lady who owns Scraps asked Grandma for moving supplies... I bet that is why!
Did you like Scraps? Did you get to go to the shop in Turlock yet?
Great photos, Tara! I still love that pink t-shirt of yours!
Awesome shadows... and like always you are just adorable! the feral kitty looks like he is flopped out comfy enjoying the day!
Purrs and Love
We used to use a harness for our kitty too..he hated it...but he went for the door, anytime someone entered or left. Sadly, my kitty, Dawg, has passed...we had him for 17 years. Great shadows in your photos! My photo is up, please come and visit
Very cool shadows! We do like that second picture a lot!
You have a very very nice tail.
I hope that feral kitty was nice to you. It was probably very happy taht you came to say hello.
Hi, Tara - sorry we haven't visited in a while. We finally posted our Five Things Meme.
Is the weather cooler for you now? Your grass certainly looks cool and green. Ours is getting brown and scratchy, but it finally rained a little this evening. It's been very dry here in Northern Virginia.
Nice take on the shadows theme. Have a great week.
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