Alright, so I'm not really wearing this, but its a great crunch sack that is perfect to end this week on. Pink for Lilly Lu, hearts for all those who lost a loved one this week (Bear, Joaquin, Gizzy, Frosty, Cashmere, the VT families, I hope I haven't forgotten some one....).
Its hard to lose a close, loved one. The pain can seem too great to bear. But, the alternative is to have never loved, to have never shared your life with another, and that is simply not an option. Love is the great gift of life, and lasts even after that life is gone. Its a fabulous, glorious Friday (no matter what the weather), and Fridays are celebratory, the end of the week, the beginning of the weekend. Celebrate their memories, celebrate their love, bask in their warmth. And remember the cycle of life, as one ends, another begins.....

(this little guy needs a home, see Artsy Catsy for more details)
So don't hold back! The pain of eventual loss is worth a life filled with furry love!
Wonderful post Tara! Thanks for the reminder to celebrate love and life.
My thoughts and prayers are with all those in need. It has been a very sad week.
Tara, that was a very beautiful post. You are so right about love! What a smart and thoughtful girl you are Tara.
Thanks for sending me that link, Tara. The link you sent indicates that the Blue hairball formula is suspect. I checked the Blue company website, and they indicate they have voluntarily recalled one production run of their kitten formula. I sent them an email requesting clarification and forwarded your link. Thanks so much for the info.
Lovely post Tara!!! That kitten is way too cute!!! That's why Maw had to quit fostering. She's such a sucker for kyootness.
Luf, Us
beautiful photo, and sweet, true thoughts.
we're giving hugs, purrs, and headbutts to those we love right this very minute!
You are such a thoughtful girl, Tara. We are so glad you are our friend.
Tara, what a beautiful, beautiful, post! It made my mom's eyes leak, and now she's going around hugging and hugging all of us. I'm making her stop because I've decided that today we're making some special pink bookmarks, cell phone charms and key chains to auction off to help pay Lilly Lu's vet bills. I've told the human artists their deadline to get them on our blog is tonight!
That was so beautiful! You're truly one of the sweetest kitties for doing this. There are so many out there that are showing their support. I just love being part of the Cat bloggin world! There is just so much support.
Tara that is such a wonderful post. Our Momma really needed to hear that today. Thank you!
Oh Tara what a lovely post, really moving *sniff*
Thank you so much for this post. My husband asked me the same thing... in grieving for Bear, after 17 years with her, it just hurts so bad. But would we rather not have had her share her life with us and avoid this pain? No. No. No. Never.
I'm going to get him to read your post. Thank you again.
ML (Mary Lynn)
KC & Missy
RIP Bear
Oh Tara, yoo are so rite. We need to amember dat loss is part of life and dat da love we shared goes on.
That was great Tara - you are right on the money with those thoughts. Love is the most important thing we have. Such a sad week, we need reminding about the inportance and the strength of love!
You are so right Tara. It was so great of you to remind everycat of this truth during such a difficult week.
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