Isn't spring grand! I'm feeling a bit guilty. I should be worrying about the polar bears (their ice is melting), water for this summer (not enough snow in the Sierra), the loss of biodiversity (plants and animals just can't move fast enough for the changing temperatures), whether the USEPA will really get off the dime and regulate CO2 emissions (yes, the Supreme's said they could), that I might have beach front property in a few years (Modesto is about 90 ft above sea level), or I may have to head for our mountain house (its almost a mile up). Instead, I'm loving the fact that spring gets here a little earlier and the winters aren't quite as harsh. But remind me about this come July or August, when we are feeling like the Sahara......
Maybe the polar bares cood come down to ware I live and eet all the vishus deer?!?
I am liking the nice sunny weather too, Tara. You have some pretty flowers there. I have some like that too.
It raaaiiinnnned all day in Florida. Maybe the sun will come back to play tomorrow!
Spring is wonderful! :) I really enjoyed the winter this year in Munich - it was very spring-like throughout the winter! We really only had one week of winter.
As you said, though, it doesn't bode well for the Polar Bears and lots of other animals. Not to mention the shrinking ice caps and assorted other problems.
Tara, I think it's OK to just enjoy the spring weather sometimes.
That looks like a nice picshure of Spring. Spring, somefing which we nefur seem to enjoy no more acoz eifur it's cold or raining.
we would love spring if we efurr gets it! it's still winter here.
For the moment it looks lovely. I hope it stays wet for the summer.
You coodent tell dat it's spring here. It snowed, it was cold, it rained and was cold. Finally now it's starting to get warm and sunshiny. Enjoy spring!
What bee-yootiful flowers! Looks like you're enjoyin' your walkie furry much.
Spring is wonderful but it is over here *sigh* we are having a nor'easter here... it is sooo windy and cold
You look so sweet prancing in the white flowers
I, too, am loving the sunny weather! I know it's bad but the human's say that they don't mind global warming, it is much better than global cooling for beach barbeques!
Yay for sunshine! We have sunshine here too. I love basking in a sunspot.
spring? wut'z spring?
We worry about the polar bears too. It is so nice that you have sun on your side of the world.
oh dear - should we be worrying about all that too? we were kinda busy worrying that we only have 2 packages of Temptations left and our Lady didn't go to the store yet.
Just enjoy and stay pretty, it's our job to do those two things. Let our folks worry about the rest of it!
Looking lovely as always!
Hah! It feels like the Sahara there? Try Dallas in the summer. Not!!!
Maw ist considerin writin a thriller about the ice caps meltin and da end of da world for da beans. Massive floodin, etc.
Luf, Us
Tara, you are the prettiest flower in the patch! And we worry about the environment and weather too. It's going to be below freezing here tonight, then upper 70s tomorrow. We think Al Gore should be president, since all the beans did elect him, after all.
& the Artsy Catsy gang
We're still waiting for spring and some warm sunshine.
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