Ok, so I didn't quite get through all my Thursday Thirteen list (the waterbed is still intact), but I managed a few of them (like checking out the mail). I had it all planned out, I was going to give Mom the cold shoulder and be uninterested when she got home, to demonstrate my feeling about being left home alone. Sigh... it didn't work. I was SO HAPPY to see her! I rubbed, and snuggled, and purred, and rolled all over her! She gave me fresh food, water, cleaned out my litter box, and played with me for a while (even though it was almost 1 am!). Then we snuggled into bed, and this morning, I was even more affectionate, tapping her mouth with my paw to wake her up, snuggling close for some more strokes. YEEEESH!! WHAT KIND OF A MEEZER AM I???? Maybe next time I'll show her whose boss.....
Yes, when they start the petting & snuggling routine, it's hard to keep your resolve isn't it? I usually end up giving in, too.
Oh Tara there is nothing wrong with loving the cuddles. I am sure your human knows who is boss really :-)
Hooray! I am glad your Mom is back. It is hard to keep up the cold shoulder for longer than 23 seconds.
We think you are a very pretty meezer princess, who is fun to play with. Thanks for teleporting over to see us. We had fun!
It is OK Tara, I can never stay mad for long at all. In fact, I've been known to throw myself into the arms of my cat sitter thinking it was the Lap Lady coming home.
Tara, was any of that mail for you?
We are happy that your momma is home and you are happy again!
Yer a softie (cute one though)!
Oh we do that too. We resolve that we will all ignore mom when she gets back and then one of us (usually Speedy) will snap and want love, then we all want love.
That's a beeyoutiful picture of you destroying the mail Tara!!!
We're sure your Mom knows how upset you were that she left. Too bad you didn't get to the waterbed though. The cat who came before liked to poke holes in the bed that came before too. It had LOTS of patches on it.
Luf, Us
Awwwww, don't feel bad - I last about 3 seconds myself...sigh
Obviously your Mom was very sorry for leaving you alone and treated you extra special. It was very big of you to forgive her.
You're a *sweet meezer, Tara.
Tara, don't werry I hadded that same prollem last year, and found out it's ok to not be mad. after you gets done being happy, then you can fake being mad for a while. - Miles
Oh Tara, you are just a very friendly Meezer! The cat my mom had before me was a Meezer, and he was the friendliest, cuddliest cat my mom ever knew until I came along.
Glad to hear your mom is back. :)
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