The Photo Hunters theme today is Hobby. As kitties and beans who have read my blog know, my very favorite hobby is going for walks in my harness. I have several routines, one for the back yard and one for the cul-de-sac. This is part of my cul-de-sac routine. First, I have to get Mom's attention at the front door so she puts my harness on.

And a break in the grass is always a good way to watch the world.

Terrific photos Tara. :) You do a great job patrolling and you look lovely in your harness. I only get to go into our yard on my harness - you are lucky you can explore further!
awwwww, that's the life right there :)
Harness walking is a wonderful hobby!! I am not as brave as you are about exploring once I am out in my harness and leash.
What a marvelous hobby you have! You get to combine patrolling, snoopervising, and exercising all in one!
Looks like you do very well on your harness and get to see a lot of the neighborhood!
oh how cute is that....you know I had never seen a cat in a harness until I saw my girlfriends can in one while we were camping....I guess that means you get to go out a lot more now.....
I love your hobby, Tara, and hope I can join you in that soon.
This looks like a safe, inexpensive hobby!
You are such a clever siamese princess! I think your walks look really fun!
You look like you're havin' fun taking a walk in your harness! I'm gonna have to get my momma and daddy to get me one of them thingies.
Tara, my pretty princess, thank you for being so sweet while I was being vet tortured this week! If you wouldn't mind sending just a little more sweetness my way, my human is torturing me with nasty gunk down my throat and in my ears every day, and it's making me very grumpy!!!
I have a blue harness just like that one! You look just the meezer twins, just bigger. Wow.....
I've never seen a cat in a harness before! :-)
Cute! Pretty picture ~ smelling the flowers!
What a great hooby! One day I hope to be as adventuous as you!!!
You have a wonderful hobby, Tara.
Excellent hobby. Plus you look stunning in royal blue.
That is a wonderful hobby. The kitties here only have the hobby of sleeping... and sometimes playing with soft balls. They would simply lie down if I put a harness on them.
You are amazing in your harness, Tara. When each of us was little, Mom tried the harness thing with us. We just lay down and pretended we were paralyzed. Every cat that Mom ever tried with a harness did essentially the same thing. In the battle of wills in our house, the cat always wins. We value our freedom more than our safety. Poor mom.
Thank you for your kind words and thoughts ~DKM
Tara, I love the photos of you. I used to share my life with a kitty named Moombeam and she only went outside when wearing a harness too, tho we didn't walk around the "hood" like you do. You obviously really like going for your walk, you look so happy out there.
Today I used one of my favorite hobbies to show you two more I love.
That's a great job of exploring you are doing Tara. Maw still lufs that green green grass!!
Luf, Us
Wow! That sounds wike an exciting hobby!
I would wike to go out for walkies too, but I hate the harness...
The harness is here but it still hasn't been used yet. We are feeling more optimistic seeing you enjoying the outdoors in your harness! Ours is also blue but we both have golden eyes.
Purrrs, China Cat & Willow
You will have to give me some suggestions of what I should do on my Outside patrols, since you are a pro at it.
None of my feline friends would ever dream of being that regal in a harnass. Visit my blog at High Strangeness Altoona or go directly to my Photo Hunt Post.
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