So, I've been feeling pretty smug with alot of kitties talking about weight issues, thinking I didn't need to worry about the camera adding 10 pounds. I turned 8 months old on Sunday, and I was feeling pretty large and in charge.
Well, I overheard Dad telling Mom I was getting a bit, well, eh, toady. Can you believe that?? Me, toady!!! Humph. So I gave Dad the laser eyes....

So Mom decided to weigh me, and I weighed, eh, hum, 9 pounds! hmmm...maybe I am hitting that Evo a little bit too hard. But do I really look toady?? Maybe the camera does add a few pounds...
Well, at least it got Mom to go out and buy me a mouse track toy for some additional exercise (I told her it was working wonders for Jeter Harris). I had to check it out at first...

But then I really went nuts, I just couldn't get that dang mouse!

Mom finally had to put the mouse track in the closet, as I was wearing myself out. Well, I know where it is at, and I'll get that mouse next time!
you are NOT toady, tara. you're a beautiful growing girl!
your new track ball looks like fun!
ps i'm having my first contest!
I am embarrassed to tell you my weight... Phoebe and I are both "plus sized" you might say.
Your ball-in-the-round thingy looks different than ours. ours looks just like Jeter Harris'.
Toady? TOADY?! Who's yer daddy callin' toady?! Why I otta...have a little chat wif him! You are beeyooteeful!
We do not think you look "toady" - very gorgeous as always. you have a lovely figure. Oh your track looks wonderful! Sending many many purrs and don't listen to the Dadman. They always think girls are ummmm hefty? Scritches!
Tara, I think you look fine, but exercise is always good. :) I was 9 months old last week, and I weigh 7 lbs.
Your track looks like lots of fun! I have two, but they both have balls that go round and round in the tracks, not mice.
Hmm, I must be runty. I only weigh 6 pounds. You look beautiful, definitely not toady.
tara tell daddy no name callling Mama used to call Lilly Lu fat names too since she thought she was fluffy now she pay money for her to be fluffy again. We have one those mose too Iris spend hours trying to kill it.
9 lbs is not fluffy
Iris is about that too now
she 10 mouths
mu shue
TOADY? Yu look perfekt! I herd gurl poodins grow up faster than boy poodins. I wuz stuk at 9 pownds fur the longest time. I'z now 9.4 pownds and 1 1/2 yeers old. Momma sed I look big but it'z all floof!
Tara.... 9 pounds?! but it is obvious to me that it is a muscle... it is not like you lay around all day!
Tara, you are perfect the way you are!!!
Wow! You were having fun! Toady!?? We don't think so...
Stop over today for a dinner party. It's all low-fat!!!
Luf, Us
No Tara, you are a very fit lovely girl. Though you do outweigh me but I'm tiny so that doesn't really count. Toady isn't a very pretty word so he shouldn't use it while talking about you!
Oh Tara, there is no way you're Toady! Look at those dainty features (um, I'm Man Cat enough to say "dainty").
At least you got a great new toy out of it. Hey, the next time your daddy sits down to eat a snack, give him "that look." You know, the one that says "do you really think you need that???" That'll teach him!
9 lbs? That is nothing!
Dun listen to the beans. They dunno what true feline beauty is. Tubby to us is beeoooteeful.
Tara, you is NOT toady. doesn't toads cause warts? you couldn't cause warts! You is a beautiful KITTEN - and kittens is allowed to eat anyfing they wants anytime they wants
Yoor dad needs a smack! How dare he say dat about yoo, yoor beyootiful. Um, exersize is always good. Mr. Hendrix is rite, da next time he sits down wif a snack give him dat "yoo don't need dat, yoor hooj alreddy" look.
I am very happy to see I am not the only one with weight "issues." Of course we all know that Jasmine is a lot fatter than I am. Mom calls her our "full-figured girl."
You are not toady! I weigh 9.5 pounds. Riley weighs 10 pounds. Maybe he's toady? He acts kinda toady. Lately he's been biting patches of fur from my heels. That's probably why he weighs more.
We wouldn't even call Vincent toady. Chubby, yes. Maybe even rotund. His top weight was 28.6 pounds (he loved to eat!). It's not fair that Mommy measures our food because he was such a big eater.
P.S. We are really liking the EVO too. It might even taste better than the Katz N Flocken.
You are not tubby at all. Grffff. Put the bitey on anyone that says that you are anything but a beautiful slim girl.
LOL LOL LOL Tara you are not overweight and you dont need to worry - you are a well fed siamese princess and you dont need to watch what you eat. Unless its a mouse or a bird and then you can watch it all you want!
Besides, I like my girls with curves, skinny minnies dont do it for this siamese prince! xx
no way are you toady, tara! but that toy sure looks like fun.
Hi Tara! We don't finks youz look like whatz yourz dad was saying. Snowy and Pounce both have double digit numbers furz there weight.
Oh, our meowmize can't get over how much youz and sia lookz alike. Especially in the laser eye pic-fer. ..Taps
Oh, I am doing a lil better. I finks meowmize is going to take me to the VET tomorrow. i will lets youz know, ok.
You are well nourished and purrfect! Thanks for the tip on my sidebar, I chose the lazy way and it looks good! One of these days Mommy needs to learn a bit more about all the cool things this machine does.
"Toady"?!? Not in the slightest! You are the very model of Meezer femininity and delicacy!
You look great Tara. It's that track ball.Thanks for the comment. I'm still trying to get the brown ribbon, but I can't seem to get it to appear. I'll try again tomorrow.
Toady? You? NEVER! You're gorgeous!
We just found your blog and I must say that it is very informative. I also have laser eyes and a slight weight issue.
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