Friday, April 6, 2007

Photo Hunt 52: Clean

Nothing beats clean, warm laundry, especially when its Dad's jockey shorts!

We are up at our mountain house now (yes, I survived the trip). But before we left, I had to supervise the laundry. More on our weekend later.....


Linda said...

Just like we humans love the feel of clean sheets apparently kitties like the feel of clean jockey shorts!

Anonymous said...

Good job on guarding those clothes.

Take care,
My photo is up.

Lynn said...

Jockey shorts, lol! But yeah I also love the smooth feel of clean sheets.

Ingrid said...

Oh yes she looks like a Princess, so elegant and clean ! You missed my Cat photo Hunt ! on my cat blog !

Monica said...

Oh Tara, I see you are very good at doing laundry. Phoebe does that chore around here. But I do like laying on top of the clean clothes. they smell nice.

jennyr said...

yeah...exactly! cute photo!

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Nothing makes a kitty purrrrr like relaxing in clean laundry. There is a cat as part of my "clean" post too.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I like to lie in clean laundry too! :) Lovely photo Tara. :) Enjoy your mountain house!

Daisy said...

Yep, atop warm laundry is the BEST place to be.

Smalltown RN said...

nice pic...happy hunting...

my photo is up

Anonymous said...

Oh, clean laundry is the best! Especially when it is still warm from the dryer!!!

Anonymous said...

Yep, I love lounging in warm undies of any breed :-D


mister jeter harris, hizself said...

jockey shortz? i'm laffin an laffin!

zevo hussein calamari said...

The best nap is on laundry straight out of the dryer. Enjoy!

ciao ciao

Barbara H. said...

Nice clean laundry is so snuggly!

Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

Parker said...

Warm, clean undies in a basket! Life is great!

Victor Tabbycat said...

I love the white laundry, too! Sumwhere in our archives, we haf a pictor of Bonnie snugglin the boy's DIRTY unnerwear in his bafroom. She's gotta huge grin on her face :-)

DK & The Fluffies said...


Mo and The Purries said...

You're right, nothing like fresh clean laundry!
Daphne likes it right out of the dryer, when it's still warm!

Anonymous said...

Oh so clean!!! I bet you were nice and warm, too! :o)

Unknown said...

LOL! Cute picture. :-)

Forty Paws said...

Oh my goodness Tara! Does your daddy know you posted that picture? He might be embarrassed!

Luf, Us

Kimo and Sabi said...

Clean laundry is da bestest! Especially da daddy's boxers or da momma's socks!

Hopeful Spirit said...

Looks about right. Why do dogs and cats insist upon getting right in the middle of the clean laundry -- or freshly made bed?

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

The humans *do* wash clothes for us, right?? --the bunch--
Great Photo :)

HRH Yao-Lin said...

MOL underwear is funny MOL

srp said...

Clean soft clothes fresh from the dryer are the resting place of any well-bred and discriminating cat! We don't sleep anywhere that is not warm and dry and clean.

You are prettier than the Siamese I have to live with....
Lady Willow

Victor Tabbycat said...

Hoppy Eastfur, Tara!
My dad was the DJ on the show. I guess he useda sing but not now. There's a 28 MB mp3 at the radio station, if you want. I amost furgot to haf Mom add a linky!

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Jezebel and Zed Monster are the Laundry hogs. They like to keep the clothes warm after the come out of the dryer. You look wvery cozy. Purrs and Love

Arlene said...

My kitties used to love laying in the warm laundry! Adorable pic :-)
I played too :-)

Jo said...

I saw your post on Mary Anne's blog (A Place I Call Home) and I just wanted to pop over and tell you I absolutely love Siamese cats. I have had three. What a gorgeous cat you have!


MaoMao said...

Ohhh, clean laundry! All of us Ballicai love clean laundry, but big fuzzy sister Brainball loves it most of all. She could lay in it all day, I think!

Max said...

I love clean, wram laundry! And the whiter the better...though I'm happy with any clean warm clothes in a basket!

Smalltown RN said...

Oh warm it...yes I would have it thrown on me....nice take on the theme....

Cheers and thanks for dropping by my blog...

Happy Easter!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

You and Pumpkin, Tara ...

Pumpkin has a ... don't tell anyone, k? ... panty fetish! He rolls all over piles of panties and camisoles, too. Oh, and handkerchiefs ... He LOVES those.