Ahhh...this is one of the things I loved about our mountain house, long afternoon naps in my favorite chair. Mom and Dad are each napping on their own futon. I usually start here, then end up over with Mom. Why did we have to leave.....
But it is good to be home, after eleventy-two-million years in the green moving box. Not only did I got through my five step process, I went through my fifteen step process, which is five steps repeated three times (first complain loudly, go through all the rest of the steps, finally settle down, then repeat, complain loudly....) Mom can't believe I'm the same kitten that used to sleep on her lap all the way up to and back from the moutain house. Well, hey, I'm a teenager now, and I'm telling you, this ain't as much fun as it used to be! Now, I wasn't really that bad, but I was wearing myself out. So Mom put me in the PTU for the last little bit. I didn't like it, but I did settle down and almost fell asleep. Mom's threatening to take Riley and Tiki's advice and take me for a drive every week, so I get more used to it. Every week! Hmm...well, maybe if she gave me temptations afterwards.
A ride every week?! Wowy - that would be fun! We has never been out of da prison boxes in da car - mainly 'cause mommakitty said she had an incident wif her other kitty's - one crawled under her feets when she was driving, and da aother kitty liked to jump up on da dash they could have caused an accident! Hmmm...maybe if we had a harness attached to da seat?
P.S. - nice tummy shot ;)
Hehehe! Our site is made wif orange colors for April 10th - it "Go Orange For Animals" day to support da ASPCA. Here's a linky:
Oops! Da lst part go cutted off, it should read:
You can always go back to our bloggie and read da info in da top right sidebar.
You look very comfortable sprawled on that chair, Tara. :) When I'm in the car, I'm either in the PTU or on my harness, with my mom holding onto the harness so I can't get where I shouldn't be.
Tara, your tummy is cute! And your furs look so soft. I never get to go out of the prison box when I am in the car.
But....the ride COULD be to Petsmart...That would be grand!
WE all get furry upset when we go into the PTU! None of us like leaving the house at all.
Tara you look furry lovely in your tummy shot.
I hate going in the box on wheels too. I feel a bit motion sick and I see things I don't like e.g. big horses with humans on top, vishus deer in the park, other fast moving wheely boxes. FAZ
As a meezer it is your job to yell and scream in the car. Its just what we do. Kaze yelled nonstop her trip from Washington DC to our house. The whole way. Seriously, she never stopped.
Mommy keeps us in the PTU in the car because she had a mild accident with Vincent who came before. She had to slam on her brakes, and he went flying through the air and broke her cupholder in the dashboard (luckily he was unharmed). She is considering getting us a second PTU, because I like to wrestle too much and Tiki can't get away if we are in one PTU, so it makes her cry. Big baby! -Riley
Mom said I can swat him any time I want. -Tiki
Hi! You look very comfy there Tara. That looks like a great nappy chair. I've become quite comfy on my mommy as well (not fun for her at 4am when she has to go potty...not fun for me either having to be woken up and moved!)
Tara, you just might have the temptingest tummy in the entire cat blogosphere!!
Oooh look at your tummy, how beautiful!!! You look exhausted! Was it a good weekend?
Cute tum!
When we first looked at that picture, we thought you were defying gravity!!!
Looks comfy.
Luf, Us
Yeah, haf yoor mom take yoo fur a ride in da car effury week to Petsmart or sumplace like dat to get yoo a new toy or sum treets-hehehe.
I am glad you made it home safe and sound and sleepy.
You look soooo comfy here, ahhhhh.
I'm furry glad that you're home safely.
if you is a teenager Tara, then you should get a drivers license and then YOU can drive to the momuntain house.
Looks pretty snuggly... but I don't know if I could stand a c-a-r trip to get there. You're braver than me, Tara!
Gosh, you look so relaxed and comfy, Tara!
I'm glad you're home, Tara. I hope you don't have to go for a car ride every week. That would be BORING and move-y and scary. We used to go for long car rides. Tracy let us out of our box one time, but we just wanted to hide anyway, so after that she just left us in our box. (Monica got CARSICK one time.)
PS. Tara, you have to come see what I did on Easter!
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