Lilly Lu is very sick (you can get details at Mu Shue's blog), and Mamma Laura is racking up some very large vet bills. So, I'm dubbing this Talking Thursday for Lilly Lu. I want all of you to talk in the form of comments to this post. I'll donate 50 cents a comment to Lilly Lu's vet bills, through midnight (PDT) Friday April 20, up to $50.00. Leave thoughts for Lilly Lu, and I'll collect them into a card to send to the family.
All of us Pink Ladies are showing our support and love, this post is Pink, Lilly's favorite color.
I've posted many times on the cat food recall, how nervous Mom and I have been on finding good, healthy food. To think one of our sweet friends may go to the bridge because of tainted food makes me so, so, mad! But also frustrated, our beans love us and want to do the best for us. They thought the food they fed us was safe and healthy. To think a bean could actually poison a much loved family member is beyond comprehension.
4/19/07 7:30 pm PDT Update: It looks like it is not the food (thank goodness), but her liver. She is doing a bit better, but there is a long way to go. Check Mu Shue'sblog for an update. Still doesn't make me any happier with the pet food companies. The recall expanded exponentially today to include several brands with rice protein. More info can be found here. Dad is down at the store buying me fresh salmon right now....
Tara, that is a wonderful thing you and your humans are doing! :) You are very caring and compassionate.
I am sending healing purrs Lilly Lu's way, and keeping her in my prayers.
What a wonderful thing you are doing to help Lilly Lu and her family. It makes me shudder to think that we can't even trust anything we feed our Kitty Cats. Who ever is responsible needs to pay, for everything they have caused. I am so angry, and I will say it again, Death Penalty for anyone, company or not, who abuses animals. This is abuse in corporate disquise.
Purrs and Purrs
i hav gone pink fer mi grate frend LL. i am purrin an purrayin fer her all da time.
did iz a grate thing u are doin tara. thank u verree much.
I am purring and purring for sweet Lilly Lu. My Thursday 13 is dedicated to her today. We are going to send a donation directly to Mama Laura. Thanks for doing this commentathon for her. I am going to send Pixie right over.
Please get better soon, Lilly Lu!
How sweet and thoughtful of you to do this for Lilly Lu. I know all of will come to help MamaLaura with the VET...we just have to keep our purrs going for Miss Lilly. I will put in my posting today about Miss Lilly that you are doing this.
Priness Tara, this is furry thotful of you and yore fambly. We have gone pink for Lilly too and we are so werryd abowt her.
Lots of love & purrs,
Finny & Buddy
Tara, you're such a great pink lady! We've gone pink for Lilly as well. We're spending all day today thinking of her and sending our good thoughts.
- Abbie, Emily, Eliot and Percy
Good job, Tara! We are purring and purraying for Lilly Lu as well!
i think we need legislation to regulate pet food and i think we need a class action suit against menu foods and put them out of business. moms says her heart can't take all this
what a great thing you are doing!
We are so sad to hear that Lilly Lu is sick, after Mu Shu got better!
We hope Lilly Lu gets better soon!
Tara - this is a very sweet thing you & your Mom are doing for Lilly Lu. We are keeping her & her family in our thoughts.
We love Lilly Lu too. We went pink in her honor as well.
What a great thing.
Dear Mama Laura, Lilly Lu, Mu Shue & Iris, we are praying very hard for all of you in this hard time and are hoping hoping hoping Lilly Lu makes a quick and full recovery. We are sending all our good thoughts her way. Take care all and know you are not alone. We all love you!
Hendrix, Amy & Greg
This is a great idea Tara. Please let Lilly Lu know we are praying and purring for her with all our might.
We went PINK for Lilly Lu today and are leaving you our comment. We think those food companies should pay the vet bills for every pet owner who was affected by this!
Tara, that is so sweet of you! But then, we know what a sweet poodin you are.
We sure hope that the vet can help Lilly Lu come through this!!
Luf, Us
Thank you for doing this commentation for Lilly Lu. We are so hoping that she comes through this okay.
Tara, you is a wonderful Meezer! We is just so sad about Lilly Lu. we has been sending purrrrrsssssssssss her way all night and morning.
This is a great plan Tara! Meowm and I are sending healing thoughts and purrayers to Lilly Lu.
What a thoughtful and generous thing to do. Here's my comment and my purrs for Miss Lilly Lu.
Tara, that is a great idea for a commentathon. Monica and I do not know Lilly Lu but we can tell that she is a wonderful friend to you and others of our good friends. Please tell her we wish her well and that she fight really hard to get better.
This is a great thing you are doing for Lilly Lu. We couldn't figure out how to turn our blog pink, but we put up her pink picture so we hope that counts.
Oh hello Tara! We'd have Chey come by too but she can't cause she doesn't have a blogger account to comment from!
I've got my whole cat staff lined up to comment, because Lilly Lu is my BEST friend and my Internet IM buddy. And my staff is brainstorming to see what else we can do. We love you, Lilly!!
Please get well, Lilly Lu ... you are my fashion inspurration!!
Lilly, I'm so worried about you, I'm not even cranky today. We mature women have to be strong, so you keep fighting!
My beautiful Lilly, please feel better. I've got the loudest purr over here and I'm sending them all to you!!
Lilly, you're my soul sister because we both have black spots. Please get well soon!
Lilly, if I had a tail, I'd let somebody cut it off if it would make you better!
Oh, Lilly, I know what it's like to be sick, and I don't want you to feel that way.
I'm doing research on the Internet, Lilly, to see if I can find something that might help you get well.
I'm the big bad mancat security manager here at Artsy Catsy and, Lilly, if it was cat food that made you sick, somebody's gonna get arrested!
As the heavyweight corporate bookends at Artsy Catsy, we're ready to go squash some cat food people between the two of us!
Atlas & Somber
Oh, Lilly, even if I've never met you, I know how much you mean to Rocky. He needs you ... puleeeeze feel better quick!
We're all purrayin' for you Lilly, and I've got a kitten-sized headbutt waiting for when you're feeling better!
Lilly, we're purrayin' & purrayin' for you in Italy. Ottenga bene presto, sweet Lilly!
Fred & Holly
Purrs from Canada from my kitties Panda, Ozzie and Monkey...
Healing purrs! Lots of healing purrs!
This is a great idea, Tara! Thank you for helpin' Lilly Lu!
We are purrin' and purrayin' our hardest for sweet Lilly Lu.
Tara, thank you very much for doing this for Lilly Lu.
We turned out bloggie pink for her, too!
Daphne & Chloe
Purrchance To Dream
What a nice thing to do for momma Laura. We went pink for Lilly Lu and haf been purring and purraying furry hard fur her to get well. We all wanna go and put da bitey on Menu Foods. They put money afore our safety and should be put out of business. We should find out what else they sell to earn a buck and not buy it.
We are all thinking of Lilly Lu. I think all of our beans are worried about the food recall issues. That is why mum was so worried last month when I was having my digestive issues. It is scary as thing keep coming up.
We love Lilly Lu!!
Purrs from Bogdan, Sara and Kat 3
we went pink for Lilly Lu also. you're doing a furry good thing. how many times can we comment?
Just in case you're allowing one comment per kitty, we're each commenting seperately. We're purring lots for Lilly Lu.
purrrrrrrrrs for Lilly Lu. we want our spotty furrend to get well fast!
We luv yu, Lilly Lu and purr, purr, purr fur yu to get better!
We iz sending lots of heeling rainbows frum Hah-why-eee for Lilly Lu to get better!
Owr favrit spotty lady just HAZ to get better! Purrs sent yur way so yu get better qwik!
Lilly Lu is in our thoughts and purrayers. A lot of cats and their humans care and are hoping she recovers fast.
Oh no, poor Lilly Lu!
This is awful. It is very good of you to help!
I am sending purrs and headbutts to Lilly Lu. I hope she will be okay.
Thank you for doing this for her!
Lilly Lu, Mu shue, Iris and Mama Laura NEED yu so pleeze get better qwik. Lotz of kitty purrayers sent yur way frum all the kitty's in owr fambly.
Oh what a fantastic idea!!!!! I really hope Lilly Lu is better soon xxx
Tara that's sweet of yoo and yore beans to do. :)
Lilly Lu, I's sendin you lotsa purrayers n purrs!
~~ Sanjee
Lots of healing purrs on the way to Lilly Lu.
your bud Pepi
Our prayers are with Lilly Lu and Tara.
Samantha, Tigger and family
Purrrrrrrrrrs for Lilly Lu! We want her to be better soon.
We're doin like Grr, Midnight and Cocoa in case different cats count with each comment even tho we live in the same house and all.
KC said...
we wants Lilly Lu ta get well fast. i's looking furrward to hers fashions 'n advice.
pleeze feel better, Lilly Lu.
purrs, KC
From Missy and I, please get well fast, sweet Lilly Lu. What would the blogosphere be without you to set the fashion trends for the rest of us? You have a big responsibility. We love you,
ML & Missy Blue Eyes
Tara, you are doing a very wonderful thing. We are purraying very hard for LL.
Titus, Tazo, & Earl Grey
Tara, how terrific for you to do this for Lilly Lu. I am purring and praying for her too. I'm going to try to turn my blog pink.
Purrrrs, China Cat
Tara, you had a terrific idea to do this for Lilly Lu. I hope she is feeling all of our prayers and healing purrs. I'm going to try to make my blog pink too.
Purrrs, Willow
Great idea, Tara! I too am sending healing purrs towards Lilly Lu.
This is a good reason for us to comment. We sincerely hope Lilly Lu gets better.
purrs and purrayers for sweet lilly lu and her fambly.
thank you, tara, for this opportunity.
we just camed back to see how your commentathon was going, and to gif more purrs for Lilly Lu. is that allowed?
We are purring and praying for sweet Lilly Lu. Tara, you are doing a wonderful and generous thing.
Anyone still searching for a safe, quality food, we have been getting Spa Select by Blue Buffalo company at Petsmart. Expensive, but a 7 lb. bag lasts us 3 weeks with 3 cats.
Ann, Tocchet, Lemieux and Ariel
Serious happy purrs to you Tara, this is a very sweet thing you are doing. And about the food thing, there are no words I am allowed to say that describe how I feel about innocent animals suffering and dying for $$$$$'s. Hisssssss...
Dear Lilly Lu,
We will keep you in our purrayers. Get well soon.
love and purrs,
Princess Mia Bella
Tara, you are so kind to do this. We are all purring for Lilly Lu's recovery.
Get better very soon, Lilly Lu. You should eat something to get your strength up to fight your bacterias. Everycat at the Pablo Fan Club is pulling for you.
Thanks for your commentathon, Tara. You are getting closer to the goal.
I send healing best wishes to Lilly Lu. Jake and Bathsheba would send their very best purrs too, except that I have the computer with me at my conference.
~J&B's Mom
You are doing such a wonderful thing! God Bless you and others like you. Everything else has been said. I'm sending loving thoughts.
A furry nice thing yer doing fer Lilly Lu! We luvs you!
thank you, your royal highness.
i turned my blog pink really early this morning to support lilly lu.
i'm glad that lilly lu's doctor has kept trying to find out what's wrong, and was able to tell mama laura (and all of us) that it's not the food.
purring and purring and purring--deep, healing, sustaining purrs--for lilly lu, mu shue, iris and mama laura!
We think this is a great way to help Lilly Lui and it is still Thursday here in Poiland. ~poiland tribe
Tara, you are doing a great and generous thing for Lilly Lu. I have turned my blog pink for her and I am sending her many healing thoughts and prayers.
What a good friend you are. We will be thinking of Lilly Lu and her family and sending warm wishes their way. FAZ
this is ben2, and i'm hoping that each kitty (there are only two of us) can leave a comment for lilly lu. suz left her comment last night.
i have a deep rumbly purr, and i'm purring lots and long for lilly lu to feel better, and for her mama laura to have enough support to do what feels is right.
a headbutt to you for your kindness, tara!
Spirit sez...Tara you are furry sweet to do this for Lilly Lu. We're hoping she gets better real quick
Such a wonderful idea! We are purring and purring hoping Lilly Lu gets better soon!
The Girls.
We love you, Lilly Lu!! Please get better soon. I am purring and praying for you.
Icon & family
We are sending strong healing purrrrs
for Lilly Lu
Tara ... You are as thoughtful as you are beautiful (and that's a whole lot).
Purrs and healthy thoughts for Lilly Lu and her fambly!
Pink purrs for Lily Lu.
Here's me! 88th comment!
Wots and wots of purrs for Wiwwy Wu and her famiwy.
I turned mine bwoggie half pink too, for Wiwwy.
Hope she gets well weal soon!
Sending Lilly Lu golden healing thoughts and angel kitties to look over her until she is feeling better. Tina, Sinda & Neelix & all the rest of the critters on the farm...
Are we allowed to comment more than once? You are almost up to the total amount, Tara. It's very encouraging.
I am glad that Lilly Lu is home and I hope she feels safer and better enough to eat soon.
Oh no, we are furry annoyed wiv ourselves that we missed the deadline furr leaving a comment. It is a wunnerful ideer and we wish we came along earlier.
I don't know if we're too late or not but we wanted to say what a wonderful thing for you to do. You are a great friend and Pink Lady!
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