I'm a five year old royal, elegant, sultry, sexy, seal point ladycat meezer. Somewhat aloof, I can get Mom and Dad to do my bidding by periodically providing affection and attention. I tolerate my little brother Kavan. This is where we live...
Monday, April 16, 2007
Tummy Tuesday
So I was having the bestest nap in my favorite chair (Mom: wait a minute, that is MY chair)....
And then that d*&n flashy box came out...
I'm going to be very, very grumpy if I don't get my beauty sleep.....
You look so comfortable on that chair. I can't believe they woke you up to take that picture, how would the humans like it if we kept doing it to them! FAZ
Momma fell off her chair laffin and laffin...she said you looked so cute in the first picture and so grumpilicous in the second one. I understand when Momma comes around with that flashy thing, I get kinda mad with her.
Those are great pictures and your eyes didn't even show up as laser eyes!! How cool! Obviously you are secure in your surroundings to be exposing your vulnerable belly that way.
Ugh, what is it with moms and dat stoopid flashy box. Just leeve da kitty alone. Seriusly, back away and put da flashy thing down. That sed, yoo reely look kyoote sleeping on YOUR chair.
LOL LOL that is such a cute picture Tara. You look royal even whilst asleep. I love how you have assumed the best spot for a nap - wherever the human's usually sit! Excellent work my fellow royal meezer and esteemed peer xxx
Cute tummy Tara. :) Why do humans insist on taking photos of us while we're sleeping? I guess it's because we are so adorable. :)
Your tummy is very cute, Tara!!
You look so comfortable on that chair. I can't believe they woke you up to take that picture, how would the humans like it if we kept doing it to them! FAZ
Momma fell off her chair laffin and laffin...she said you looked so cute in the first picture and so grumpilicous in the second one. I understand when Momma comes around with that flashy thing, I get kinda mad with her.
Tara, you are so cute! That chair looks so comfy!
Those are great pictures and your eyes didn't even show up as laser eyes!! How cool!
Obviously you are secure in your surroundings to be exposing your vulnerable belly that way.
Luf, Us
Ugh, what is it with moms and dat stoopid flashy box. Just leeve da kitty alone. Seriusly, back away and put da flashy thing down. That sed, yoo reely look kyoote sleeping on YOUR chair.
Great tummy! Yep, those flashy boxes are annoying.
Love your tum-tum Tara! And, NO, none of my birdies came back. DKM scared them all away.
You have a furry cute tummy! Hope you got your beauty sleep :)
Miss Emily is sharing her tummy and her toesies with everyone today.
Tara, your tummy is as tantalizing as ever, flashy thing or not!
LOL LOL that is such a cute picture Tara. You look royal even whilst asleep. I love how you have assumed the best spot for a nap - wherever the human's usually sit! Excellent work my fellow royal meezer and esteemed peer xxx
Tell your momma that it is indeed YOUR chair and she can borrow it sometimes! Love the pictures!
Darn that flashing box. Ours makes a beeping sound when it turns on so we get an advanced warning.
Mommy wants to smooch your left paw! I'm jealous!
But you're already beautiful! How much more sleep do you need? Overkill I say!
Oh my gosh you are soooo cute!
Very pretty tummy shots, Tara!
As cute as you were asleep, we certainly loved your wake-up face! And look at all those toes! Terrific pictures!
Purrrs, China Cat & Willow
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