So, one of the things I'm learning for my PhD in Meezology is the proper way to supervise common household chores. So I thought I'd give a lesson on the proper way to supervise changing sheets. For some reason, humans feel compelled to do this frequently. I'm not sure I understand why, just when they start to smell really good, they get changed. But since humans insist on doing this, it is important to know how to make sure they are doing it right.
So first, once the bottom sheet is on, get on it and make sure it looks right...

Check the top sheet to make sure it matches....

Then check the underside of the top sheet to make sure it smells OK...

Then, before the top sheet is pulled over, make sure the bottom sheet is sufficiently taunt...

Usually at this point the humans throw you off the bed. That is too bad, 'cause if they would let you stay on it while they pull the top sheet over, you could do a complete inspection of the underside. Since this is usually not possible, a sample of the underside will have to do. So take that step seriously!
PS See the post below to check out Lilly Lu's card!
Excellent tips Tara! :) You do a very good job supervising the sheet-changing. Humans do like to change the sheets a LOT!
Tara, you are great at doing chores. I try to help with making the bed, too, but Tracy just keeps taking me down. I could really do a good job at it, I'm sure.
Thanks for the tips, Tara! I love to help with sheet changing too.
deer tara,
mi sistah kallie yoozuallee soopervizez wid da changin uv da sheetz in dis howse. da bed iz alwayz made arownd her.
luv--yer frend--jh
that is a great card for Lilly lu!
you are doing a good job with the sheet Tara. Next show how you check the blankets.
Excellent instructional today Tara!
I think i will help mommie today with the sheets!
Sad to say that I missed your commentathon, but I'm certainly glad I didn't miss the sheet changing tips!
Great job!! Chase actually likes to be made into the bed. They tuck him in the sheets and put the comforter over him. Obviously your method makes much more sense.
Hey Tara, you're a girl after my own heart. Changing sheets is one of my all time favourite chores. Purr FAZ
those is good tips. Mommy ushually gives up and makes the bed wif me in it. - Miles
Excellent advice, Tara. But I always jump on the pillow a few times to help plump them up!
Your friend
Hi Tara! Great job snoopervising the sheet change. Beans need our help with lotsa stuff. The Lilly Lu card is wonderful. Excellent work!
Also, we scrolled down to your kitten pictures. Gosh, you were (and still are) darling!
You supervise weal well on sheet-changing!
I have a diffewent pwocedure I use when I supervise mine Mummy, but I think it all boils down to the same thing - beans can never do without us can they?
I helped my Momma yesterday with changing the sheets. See what I don't understand is what the fuss was all about. Why do they need to change them and then WASH them???!! They had my scents all over them,just like I like it to be. Now I have to go and put my scents right back where they were. IT's a big job but I am up to it.
Pee Sss
WE loved the card for Lilly Lu.
Great work! Once I let Kat 3 inspect while I changed the sheets, and she didn't approve, so she peed on the bed!! Let's just say Kat 3 never supervised this task again. I'm glad you approved of your humans' work.
-The Morning Scratch investor
Ha ha ha ha!!! great hints tara! I like to see you supervising your staff :-) xx
Annie does that, except she gets covered up then plays the "attack the hand and rabbit kick" game. She lufs it!
No, we didn't get 10 heated cat cups. It's getting warmer here, and Gatsbi and Jenny aren't hogging Bow's all the time.
Luf, Us
Tara, thanks for the sheet changing tips, because we've been doing it all wrong!! We thought you were supposed to jump on the bed BEFORE the bottom sheet and just stay there 'til the human hooks down the corners and smashes you, then crawl around like flat bumper cars and hiss at each other!
Yay! Yoo did good snoopervising. One of us always helps wif da sheets, and mom always ends up wif a lumpy top sheet-hehehe
When I try to snoopervise I end up as a bed lump.
Oh...we loves snoopervising sheet-changing day too!
Sheet changing is just abowt my faverite job in the werld! It's grate win thare still nice and toasty warm! My big bruther Mao is an expert at it... I'm just a trainee... thanks for yer tips!
I know change the sheets too. It´s funny! Muhahahaha!
I know change the sheets too. It´s funny! Muhahahaha!
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