Its a beautiful Sunday morning. We had friends over last night, so I was very busy, and we stayed up a little late. So I tried to be patient with Mom, 'cause I knew she was tired, but I really wanted to go out. I have a new leash that really makes my walks so much more fun. Sitting here looking longingly out the patio door finally got me what I wanted....

My new leash is called a Aspen Pet Walkabout Retractable Leash. Mom got the one for small dogs up to 18 pounds, and, of course, in royal blue. It extends up to 16 feet! Mom lets me have a little more reign when I'm stalking bugs in the grass....

That looks like a great leash. I wish I had a longer leash because I am always pulling, pulling, pulling to go farther than the leash allows. I'm glad you had a good stroll.
Hay tara my mama said she still has some of that gutent free stuff i would not eat two or 3 cans with all the events that happened she forgot to send it do you still want to try it. She already got it and I will not touch the stuff. They said all cats love it they never met me !!!!!
My woofie had one of those. They're great. I think you look very pretty in your royal blue, I like blue, too. Your a pro at posing aren't you? You do it so well.
You look like you're having such a good time, and you look cute, too ... I'll tell my mom about that special leash.
We don't go outside (except for Zippy) but it sher looks like yoo had a grate time. come see us about a postcard blitz we'z working on fur da bad beans at da pet food manufacturing places.
You DO look Beautimus owtside on yur leesh. Meowmy won't tak me owtside on a leesh, even tho Dagger getz to go. I don't like my harness, and she sez just a kollar on wiggly ezcape artiste me, issn't safe -- too many dawgs in owr naborhood. :(
BTW - yur rite, on yur gess, Tara :)
yur littel pal,
You are a very adventurous cat!
You look extrememly comfortable in your harness. I used to have one, but really didn't like it. In fact, Mom and Dad used to laugh at the way I walked in it.
Oh look at you on your leash! That's so lovely!
Chey was having a fit when you asked about dresses. I assured her you were only joking and that you had yours. Momma took out our little photo gallery and showed Chey you in your pretty dress!
That looks very interesting Tara. I will have Tracy investigate it thoroughly. I would love to have more freedom to explore!
That leash looks like a lot of fun!
You certainly are enjoying your new leash. Have you tried climbing a tree in it? Thank you for coming by my blog and wishing me well. My toes are feeling a lot better now.
I love the new leash!
I'm so happy that you enjoyed being featured as a Featured Female Friday on my blog. I had a great time writing the post about you.
Love and purrs,
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