In anticipation of Lilly Lu's first Fashion Friday back, I got a new pink muscle shirt with a cool paw on the back. And you know what? Lilly Lu is also sporting a pink muscle shirt, that says "Talk to the Paw" on the back! Us Pink Ladies think alike!

Well, this muscle shirt is great for exercizing! But before you exercize, you need to stretch and warm up.....

Then you need to pick the toy to stalk. I picked my favorite orange feather toy....

I chased it into my favorite tube....

Then over into Dad's shoes (aren't they hugh? and he called me toady...)

Then I had to go cool down...and take a nap. Exercize is a lot of work, but it makes Dad happy 'cause it will keep my backside from getting too big....
Tara, that shirt is very cute! You look beautiful in pink, and very fitting for a Pink Lady!
Oh tara I luv your shirt. I got a new pink Lady pardy dress it is pink and said Lady on it in rind stones grandma got it for my gota day
it funny we finking alike
Lilly Lu
You look very lovely in your pink muscle shirt. Pink is definitely your color! We is so happy efurrything worked out so well for Lilly!
We love that shirt! It definately looks great on yoU!!!
You look very cute in that shirt!
You look lovely in that shirt!
That's a beeyoutiful shirt Tara!!! You look like you're having lots of fun!
Luf, Us
All these lovely lady cats, I don't know if my tender heart can take it! You look lovely!
All these lovely lady cats, I don't know if my tender heart can take it! You look lovely!
Tara, yoo look mahvelus. How intresting dat yoo and LL bof wore shirts wif paws on dem.
Oh Tara! That's an absolutely beautiful shirt!
She looks like a princess in this sweater and how brave she is in wearing it ! I think even Pookie who is the coolest cat would go on strike ! not to speak of the 3 others, lol !
oh Tara those cruel cruel humans for making you excercise!!! That is animal cruelty, you arent even fat or anything! :-)
Thank you for the nomination Tara, I didn't nominate you back cos I see you have been nominated already and I really wanted to choose everyone but couldn't! xxxx
p.s you look fab in your new shirt, don't lose weight cos it means there will be less of you to love xx
Great photos Tara! :) Your shirt is very cute. :) You look great exercising!
Great job Tara. Mommy says looking good while you exercise is as important as the exercise itself.
Hey, has that daddy of your apologized yet????????????????????
I want one mom please! is so cute!
Look at my video!
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Hey Tara,
Will you ask your mom why we roll in the ant trails? Maybe she knows the answer 'cause our V-E-T didn't. It's the little brown ants that come in and love to get into food, like your Mexican brown ants gets into yours. Maw just calls them sugar ants, but maybe they are odorous house ants or piss ants, or something else! Anyway, when they leave their trail across the floor, we roll and roll and rub our cheeks on the trails and just go crazy!!!
Enquiringly, Us
We love the pink shirt! glittery and so fancy... yet suitable for casual play. Wonderful. and you look marvelous in it!!
You look great in that shirt, Tara! But I wouldn't be worried about your backside if I were you - it looks quite nice!
Thank you so much Tara for stopping by and leaving behind such a lovely comment. I really like the pink one that you are wearing!! Lovely it is!!
is it really a muscle shirt? maybe it's a camisole? (tee hee)
looking good, girl!
pink and pretty!
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