I did make it to the mountain house on Friday. Getting here, however, means I have to go through this five step process: 1) Denial-No, I don't want in the box, I want to keep patroling the yard, no, don't put me in the box....(this step goes on for about the first 10 minutes as we go down the road), 2) Barter-if you let me out of this box, I'll stop whining and crying and trying to walk over Dad's eyeballs as he drives (this step can last from anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour), 3) Disbelief-Mom, why are you doing this to me? Was I a bad kitty? (as I whine going back and forth from Mom's lap to the middle console between Mom and Dad that Dad put a nice carpet square on for me, this step lasts about an hour), and finally, 4) Resignation-I'm never getting out of this big green moving box, I might as well try to sleep, even though everytime I doze off , Dad goes around another corner, throwing me off balace (this step usually last the final hour).
Update: oops, OK, so I can't count, 5) Getting excited as we drive up the drive way, because I recognize the mountain house, and I know I'm getting out SOOON! Mom's hoping each time we go, I'll get to step 4 faster, but we will see.....
But I do love the mountain house! I spent all night Friday going around and checking out the smells, and making sure the house was fine. Then yesterday I got to do the same with the backyard. Now, the backyard is, eh, "natural". Mom's trying to let it go back to the Great Basin Scrub that surrounds the house. Right now, however, its just looks spotty, cause its filled with weeds!

As I made my patrols, you could see the spots at the base of my ears on top of my head. Mom calls those birds eyes, and tells me I need to be carefull out, as the jays, and magpies, and eagles and hawks will use those to dive bomb me!

Then I had to check out the spotty rocks near a pallet of stepping stones Mom didn't use when she laid some through the, eh, "natural" backyard.

Happy Easter to all the kitties and their humans who celebrate it! And to those who don't, its still a great time to spend with family and friends, remebering what is important in life! Like yards to patrol, and humans to love (cause there is a reason they put you in that moving box!)
PS Mom's on dialup while here at the moutain house, so she is sorry she hasn't been able to help me get around to visit everyone that much, it is just SOOO slow!
Glad to hear you are enjoying your mountain house Tara. :) The "birds eyes" on the top of your head at the base of your ears are very cute. :)
Happy Easter to you too. :)
Looks like you're having a great time in the mountain house, Tara!
Happy Day!
Oh i luff your ear spot very pretty !!! My mama said she always hopes mu shue will get to step five faster too and he been going to grandma for over 11 years and he just crys Have a happy easter and a great time at your moutian house
Lilly Lu
Happy Easter, love the spots.
As a cat, I'm sure you wait until yur almost to the house to calm down, right? I'm furry good in the "car"; so far, I just lie on the back seat bein furry, furry quiet. But Mom hasn't taken me furry far. Haf a furry Hoppy Eastfur.
Those spots on your ears look cute! I never noticed those before. Happy Easter!
Happy Easter in your mountain house, Tara! We bet you were a better behaved kitty than we would be in the car!
Tara, your spotty ears are as beautiful as the rest of you! Hope you're having a furry hoppy Easter at your mountain house!
& everybody at Artsy Catsy
We always like to hear about your trips to the lovely mountain house, Tara. That view is so glorious!
Happy Easter to you, and have a wonderful trip home. (Try not to cry too much.)
Hoppy Easter Everyone!
i almos never go in da car fer anythin ... an da timez i do i'm not verree happee abowt it! i hope yer havin sum fun in da mountain howse!
Have a terrific vacation in your mountain house - it looks fun there. And Happy Easter too!
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Momma is always on dialup in the Big Piney Woods, so it is slower than slow!
Maw ist gigglin at yur 5 step process. She sez it wood drive her nutz.
Luf, Us
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