Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Thursday Thirteen: Balance

There is a meme going around about how one achieves balance. I thought I'd post thirteen reasons why balance is important:

1. Its a long way down from the balcony to the floor....
2. You can't play all the time, you need to eat...
3. But, if you ate all the time, you would be too fat to play....
4. And work is just that, work, but sometimes necessary to get to the food and play...
5. Napping is highly undervalued, but you would get awfully skinny if you didn't wake up once in a while and eat...
6. If you had only one toy, it would wear out fast, so you need more than one...
7. But too many, you couldn't decide which one to play with, and try to play with all of them all at once, this would make you too hungry, which would make you eat to much....
8. Morning cuddles in the bed are great, but you can't stay too long, cause its time to eat...
9. But if you get out of bed too early, Mom will forget about you and go back to sleep, meaning nothing to eat, so...
10. Sometimes you need to play in the bed, which usually gets Mom out to give you something to eat...
11. And even when you get something to eat in morning, you may want to get Mom to play with you first, cause she is probably going to leave for work, you can eat after she leaves....
12. Give Mom just enough love when she gets home so she feels sorry for you, and gives you something to eat, especially Temptations...
13. Bottom line, its important to balance working, eating, playing and napping, and all should be done in the context of LOVE


Kimo and Sabi said...

Furry good balance advice!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You are a very smart cat Tara! :) That is excellent advice on achieving balance. :)

The Fluffy Tribe said...

excellent, excellent advice in your "balance column" Tara ~Poiland Tribe

Daisy said...

Tara, I think you are such a smart cat! I especially like your tips about toys. I agree, one toy would wear out way too fast, but too many is confusing. I never thought about that before. Just goes to show you how important balance really is!

Anonymous said...

We loved this list and I am very impressed with the style inwhich you accomplished this meme on balance!!
Well done
Happy Thursday


LZ said...

That is great Tara! Everything is done in love.


The M's said...

Wonderful advise, we love it.

Parker said...

What excellent points Tara! I will keep these in mind for my own benefit! Thanks!

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

That is some very important advice about balance. You are one smart kitty.

Ingrid said...

Cat live is very hard ! All the things they have to think about, it's really terrible ! I pitty these poor little animals !

DK & The Fluffies said...

OOOOmmmmmmmmmm OOOOOOmmmmmmmmm

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Yes, Tara, you are right. But do i really have to involve love in everything i do? What about if I swipe at Mao? Can I do that in a loving way?

Forty Paws said...

Wonderful list of balancing!

Luf, Us

Ivan from WMD said...

You know what, Tara? I think MY MOM has the same 13 reasons! She eats way more than us.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

dat wuz a clever an speshul thursday 13 list. in da end ... it'z all abowt eetin, playin, an nappin.
it'z grate bein a cat.
luv--yer frend--jh