The PhotoHunt theme this week is Steps. These are pictures of me the very first night my human parents brought me to my forever home. The first step in my new life.

PS This is the same chair that I've claimed as MY CHAIR, even though Mom thinks its hers!
Very sweet photos Tara! :) You were an adorable baby Meezer and you have grown into a beautiful young cat. :) Wonderful pics!
You and Kimo could have been baby twins! You were a cutie patootie fur baby (still are)!
Awwww. Cute pics. :-)
Too sweet! We are getting a kitten into our home next Sunday!
Dont forget the blogging scavenger hunt over at Amys Random thoughts. Details and prizes were just announced and the more who participate, the more fun there will be..Hope to see you there!
Oh Tara, look at you! What a cutie. That was a great idea for the theme.
you were such a beautiful baby tara!!! So gorgeous, my human wants to give you a big kiss!
We love baby pictures. This was the best step ever... coming to your forever home and sitting on that gigantic chair
Very sweet, and a nice way to show steps! Tara, you are very, very cute!
Tara, you have grown SO much!! What a purrecious liddle meezer you wuz. An a beeyoutiful girl cat now....
Luf, Us
Obviously you enjoyed your first steps in your forever home. :)
Cute photos! :)
Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts
Aw, you were so cute and tiny! And that chair looks so big!
Awwww what a purrty lil baby meezer yoo wuz, and yoo grew up into a beeyooty
that's cute! very nice shots!
Tara, you were very clever to think of a different way to post about steps. You are so cute in that picture. in the second picture, you are striking the same pose as in your profile picture!
Awww! You remind me so much of all my Siamese kitties, now and in the past. Such cute little babies, such wonderful friends.....
Precious, Tara - and I love the pink of your blog!
Awww, you were such a cute baby Meezer and you are still cute now. I like your way of showing steps.
Aw, you looked just like the twins! So cute Momma wants to just hug you tight. (not too tight, Momma)
Oh my gosh you were a cute kitten!
Oh, you've certainly grown into "your" chair.
so sweet! and i'm sure your mama must be mistaken...the chair HAS to be yours!
(i'll be so glad when mama gets another camera--dad got ours, and he doesn't live here any more--so we can join in the fun!)
Beautiful and cute Tara. Happy weekend.
Totally adorable. Lovely photos.
As always you look adorable darling!
Have a great Earth Day,
ciao ciao
oh look how cute you are!!
Awwwww you were so cute as a little poodie. and what a beauotiful girl you haf grown into ~poiland tribe
A wonderful step into a great future! Such cute pictures :)
Oh MY!!!
You're such a sweet wittle kitty!!!!
LOVELY PHOTOS!!! Here I am when I was a kitty http://el-blog-de-una-gatorrista.blogspot.com/2007/01/antes-y-despuspast-and-present.html#links
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