Is it really time to get back into the green moving box already? Can't we just stay here at the mountain house? Its big and open, with lots of room to play and run. You and Dad are home all the time, and we can patrol the big back yard with lots of bugs, and take long afternoon naps together. You can give me tuna and salmon and I promise not to barf it up on the kitchen floor. And I promise not to spill your water when I drink out of your glass. Can't you and Dad call in sick to work, for like, forever? Do I really need to go through that five step process again already?
Whew! We thought you was really missin' somewhere's out in da big scary mountains!
I don't blame you for hiding, Tara. Car rides are no fun. Especially on curvy mountain roads.
Aww Tara, sorry to hear you have to leave the mountain house. Unfortunately, humans need to work so they can buy us food, and litter, and treats.
Hmmm, where is Tara?
OK that was hard trying to spot you, there. You are obviously a master at hiding!
Yeah, we wouldn't like getting in the big green box again so soon...
That's a great hidey spot Tara! I'm sure they won't leave if they can't find you.
I would hide too. I don't like riding in the car!
Pretty blankets, but where are YOU, Tara? We thot sum meezer was really losted, like when poor Luna left the vet. Just amember that this ride takes you home fur sure.
Good camoflauge Tara! I wouldn't want to leave either. It looks absolutely beautiful there!
nice blankies - i didn't know that blankies could haf tails!
We seeee youuuu!!
Last time we got to ride in a car, we both got shoved into the same carrier and then the woofie stared at us the whole time from the other side of the seat. It was very claustrophobic.
Mommy takes us for short rides all the time so that we aren't so scared about going places. Sometimes we go through the drive-thru, or on errands where we stay in the car, or to the pet food store. We like the pet food store because we get to look at birdies & chinchillas, & mice, & other cool critters.
great hiding spot!!
ugh, car rides aren't any fun. But mom and dad hafta work to buy food and treets and stuff.
we thought you were missing! thank goodness you're just a hiding master. if you can't see them, they can't see you!
sorry you have to leave.
Where's Tara?
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